Translation Device iLi

Upcoming translation device ili is taking the world by storm as its advertising video has made its rounds on the internet and going viral! Boasting the capability for instant translation, ili promises intuitive user interface that allows you to use the device as if you’re directly communicating with the other person! Impressive ain’t it?

Targeting mostly travelers, ili is loaded with a library of phrases that are commonly used by travellers, minimising translation errors. The library also includes words associated with places and latest trends for a seamless communication experience. The best part is that, no internet connection is needed to use this device, making it all a whole lot easier when travelling.
There have been many debates regarding ili on whether it will work as well as it claims or if it is just another overhyped device or if it turns out to be a pleasant surprise for us all! What do you think? Share with us your thoughts on it!


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